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  • Writer's pictureSri Bala S

Create the change #Fiction(5)

“I want to change this… but how?” I wondered. Deep in thought, I didn’t notice her sit beside me.

“What are you thinking about, my dear?” She asked. The beautiful woman. My mother. Someone whose beauty I can never hope to achieve, inside and out. She was a warrior, a protector, a lover. Anyway, I’m digressing.

“I don’t know how to explain it Ma… it’s complicated.”


“Well, you know how our classes happen right?” She nodded. “Something disturbing is going on. You see, there are some… people who are completely disregarding mental health and privacy. To make matters worse, they mock them. Some of us want to make a change, but you know, from your own struggles, its not really possible.”

She took a deep breath. “So that’s what’s bothering you. So, these people, I think I know who you’re talking about, they’re people meant to protect you am I right?” I nodded. “And they’re being disrespectful, in what way?”

“Well… Some of them shame us. Some… make fun of those with mental issues. And… I know what that feels like. I want to change it, but the system is so against us, that if we were to take a step, it would do more harm than good.”

“Harm as in?”

“Well, for starters, there would be no change, thanks to the rules and regulations. But the repercussions… they would include blacklisting. I can’t put those who also support this cause in trouble. The system is crafted in a way, that as students, we can’t say anything. Makes us feel powerless… how can we change things if we don’t have it even as an option?”

“My dear, I know how you feel. You know, I’ve organised protests and such back in my day. And you know the backlash you get. Those in power will do anything to stay in power my dear. You see, they will preach freedom and courage as long as you stay within their lines. And mental health wasn’t as big now as it was then.”

“I understand, but how do we make things better for those who come after?”

“You can. Just work for it. Maybe not today. But show love and support for yourself and those who are down and can’t speak for themselves. Work till you get in a position to change things for them. This isn’t a change that happens overnight.”

“I suppose you’re right. I’m just tired mum, of fighting this battle that we have no chance of winning.” I sighed.

“You know why I named you so, love?”

“No mum.”

” I named you Elysia because it reminds me of the word elysian. It means beautiful, creative and peaceful. So my love, you will find your own creative way to deliver peace to those around you. The fact that you’re thinking of those around you makes me very proud. And always remember. Good things come to those who wait.

“Thank you Mum. I think… I feel better now. I just have to keep supporting them. Someday, we’ll change it. We’ll change the system. Thank you, I love you.”

“Love you too my dear.”

– SB

Hey guys… back with another short story/ conversation. Whatever you want to call it. This is partly inspired by a conversation I had with my mother. (PS if you’ve read the importance of a name, you’d know my name isn’t Elysia but it is a very beautiful name)

I was (safe to say) very disappointed in the system and the way we were being treated and the words my mother said that day stuck with me.

We will create change. One day. We won’t stop till we make the world a better place.

From another frustrated, yet hopeful, student.

Thank you for reading. See you soon.

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